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There was a supplement used in France before that promotes wakefulness, vigilance, attention and mood particularly in the elderly.

It comes under a category or kind of Nootropic agent which improve concentration and alertness. To fight against sleepiness, exhaustion and fatigue for a longer period of time, this supplement is a kind of stimulant. Because of this content, it is very helpful to workers who work night shift or work for longer hours. This drug may have effects in activating behaviour but according to experts, it does not have the ill-effects like the other stimulants.

This drug works mainly in two ways. First, it helps boost the level of neurotransmitter hypo cretin, which heightens wakefulness and concentration. By increasing the dosage of the drug, attention-stimulating chemicals are released in human body and reduces tiredness. Second, this concentration-stimulating drug increases learning process because it stimulates brain attentiveness and memory. The glutamate in our body, once stimulated through this drug, will improve the cognitive and perceptive abilities of the person.

Being water soluble, this drug can be taken with water or juice even on an empty stomach. It is advised that it should be taken in the morning because taking it in the afternoon will lead to insomnia. It is recommended for patients not to take higher dosages therefore the person should take it in lower quantities for a start.

Only on occasional basis is this drug to be taken. As an example, this drug could be taken on days when a person has stringent deadlines of work that demands longer working hours. This drug can also be taken for two weeks and then take a break for a week, and this is called on a cyclic basis. This way, the adverse effects of the drug on the liver will be minimized.

It is safe to use this drug if used in short period of usage. If used in short period, this drug is an alertness promoting agent and stimulates the cognitive and perceptive abilities.

The person taking this drug for a long time will have a change in his behavioural attitude like being talkative. Alzheimer disease is said to be treated effectively with the use of this drug.

The common side effects of the drug are headaches, stomach problems and elevated blood pressure. High dosage of the drug is said to cause a decrease in the frequency of urine, may render people to daydream or hallucinate. In prolonged use, this drug may also cause liver damages, epilepsy and kidney failure.

It was recommended to take this drug for people doing extra hours of work or working odd hour shifts. The drug has contra-indications and thus it needs to be monitored and moderated.