Weight Control, Weight Loss Tips

Why It Is Harder For Women To Lose Weight

Why it is harder for women to lose weight.

It feels like men can lose weight so much more easily than women can. There are differences between the way men and women diet, lose weight and respond to exercise.

Men tend to be bigger than women, with more muscle on their frames, so they usually have faster metabolisms than women. Muscle burns more calories than fat, men’s bodies naturally burn calories at a faster rate.

Men require more calories to maintain their weight. If they reduce their caloric intake, even a little bit, they’re more likely to reach a caloric deficit and lose weight.

Men and women have big difference levels of hormones floating in their bloodstreams. Women have 15 to 20 times less muscle-building, fat loss-promoting testosterone than men. Women have much higher levels of estrogen and progesterone, which contribute to stronger food cravings than men.

There’s also a psychological factor working against women: Research shows that women usually have more of an emotional attachment to food than men do—which makes it harder to follow a strict healthy-eating plan. Men tend to be less emotional about their food, so they can commit and follow through with a strict dietary pattern.

What is medical weight loss?

Medical weight loss is a weight loss program that is designed, supervised, and presented by medical professionals. Medical weight loss is not surgery or diet pills. It is weight management based on medical scientific evidence that targets the root causes of obesity and weight gain. Trained doctors or medical providers provide the treatment and guidance necessary to help you achieve weight loss and maintain it for life. The medical team usually includes a licensed physician, nurse, and dietician, as well as a fitness trainer and other professionals.

Medical weight loss is designed to help any individual with his or her specific weight loss goals, whether to lose 100 pounds or those last stubborn ten pounds. It is especially beneficial for those who have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher because it can reduce the risk of other serious medical conditions.

Benefits of Medical Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss program doesn’t only teach you how to eat right and exercise correctly, but how to incorporate lifestyle change into your routines and reduce the behaviors that have caused you to gain weight in the first place. In some cased medical weight loss also provides you with FDA-approved weight loss medications.

A medical weight loss program is personalized to fit your individual needs. The goal is also not to just lose weight, but to learn healthy ways to maintain your weight.

Another great advantages to medical weight loss program is that you learn lifestyle changing skills to achieve long-term success. It does not just give you tools to lose weight, it gives you tools and skills to help you make a weight management lifestyle part of how you live.

My True Image offers medical weight loss through their 3 clinics, located throughout the Phoenix AZ area. They provide weight loss programs, weight loss nutrition plans, vitamin b12 shots, Lipo Plex treatments, and much more. Learn more about medical weight loss phoenix here.