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What You Need to Know About STDs

STD statistics seem to show an upward trend year after year in the US and other places in the world. To be more specific the rise in syphilis among men and women are big contributors to this trend. If it is not Syphilis, then the it is Chlamydia and gonorrhea that contributes a big part in the STD statistics as well.

The problem with STD statistics is that it is likely to be inaccurate. That is because STDs like chlamydia, which is very common, can be hard to detect because the infected person rarely shows symptoms. nevertheless the steady rise in the trend whether or not the figures are understated are frightening.

One the other hand, there is a high percent of people who have gonorrhea, Chlamydia or syphilis. For instance, in 2007, chlamydia alone infected about a million individuals. That number was obviously higher than the one that was recorded a year ago. At the same time, there were 350000 diagnosed with gonorrhea in 2007. There seems to be more people getting diagnosed with STD year after year.

Those numbers go to show that gonorrhea and chlamydia, by far, are the most wide spread of all STDs. Though chlamydia rarely shows symptoms, it is easy to detect. The same is true with gonorrhea. The good news is that when diagnosed early, they can be treated. If these diseases are not cured it can lead to other health issues like in women, PID or pelvic inflammatory disease and possibly infertility in both men and women. Women may see more complications like ectopic pregnancy and chronic pelvic pain.

Although men suffer from chlamydia less, this does not mean that they can’t be affected by complications. Meanwhile, gonorrhea can lead to very serious complications in men. Aside from the risk of infertility, the infection could spread to the blood or to the joints. Gonorrhea can be fatal in men.

What does this mean? This mean that men and women alike should become more aware about the risks that these STDs carry. The key to avoiding the spread of STD is awareness and at the same time it also help you know what steps you need to do if you get infected.

As the numbers on the STD statistics rise, so should the peoples need for safety practice. The statistics is basically a reminder that it is better to monogamous as much as possible or avoid having multiple partners. It also helps to learn how to properly use a condom.

Get your self checked if you have someone new in your life. For cases where your partner is having an affair, it is better to get screened. if people help each other become more aware, the STD statistics will stop rising.