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Development of the Male Contraceptive Pill.
The the situation in the world today is that the responsibility for family planning has heavily been left to the women who are needed to make sure that they remember to use these pill on daily basis in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies. To make sure that this situation is changed; many scientists have started to work tirelessly to see that they introduce a male jab contraceptive to work the same as the female pills.
This is because many preclinical molecular imaging experiments are being done on a contraceptive jab. These preclinical molecular imaging tests have been so encouraging. The scientists used different couples to run the preclinical molecular imaging tests. Contrary to the encouraging results, the preclinical molecular imaging experiments have shown that the jab is not ready for widespread use. This is because the preclinical molecular imaging experiments have shown that there are many severe side effects of the jab.
It was found that the male contraceptive jab is very effective when it comes to prevention of pregnancies that the current methods being used by the women. The quality of being more effective in preventing unwanted pregnancies is as a result of its higher percentage of-of about 98.4 percent thus more safer. The only impending quality of these jab contraceptive pills is the many you side effects that at times can be very severe that it causes to the men who use it.
Having the male contraceptive jab pill can be very amazing as it provides a good option to prevent our women from using the family planning pills that affects their hormones thus causing many health problems. Most of the men that were used in the experiments said that they could be pleased to use the male jab if only all the side effects may be eliminated. The reason for this is that jab pill proved to be very less drastic than the other male option of vasectomy.
Looking for the different type of problems that the use of habits pill can cause we have like the experience of an serious acne and also many mood swings and mood disorders and these are same as the side effects of the women family planning pills. Looking at the examples of the severe effects of the male jab pill that make it not ready for release to the market is that it makes it hard for a person to regain his sperms count even after a year and this can make it hard for those who use it that be able to get children after using. The other fear of having a male happily pull is that it can make many people to abandon the use of male condoms that can consequently increase the risk of transmission of many sexually transmitted diseases and infections.