The Key Elements of Great Wellness
Here Are Things That You Can Do To Lower The Risk Of Getting Cancer
The number of people that are being diagnosed with cancer are increasing. In this article, I will be providing tips that can help you minimize the risk of you getting cancer. There are really a lot of preventive actions that you can take to avoid this dreadful disease.
Below are helpful cancer prevention tips:
A. You need to have a healthy diet
It is important that you have a healthy diet. When you eat healthy you are not only reducing your risk of having cancer, you are also preventing other kinds of diseases. You need to eat plenty of vegetables, legumes, fruits and whole grain if you want a healthy diet. These food can lower your risk of having cancer. Try to avoid eating junk food, drinking excessive amount of alcohol and food that has a lot of sugar. You should make a list of your diet for the whole day,
B. Eat food that are resistant starches
You should eat food that are resistant starches. Here are examples; porridge oats, green bananas, white beans and more. These kind of food can lower your risk of getting colon cancer since it can clean your colon and make sure that it is properly functioning.
C. Get circumcised
There are studies that were conducted that circumcision can really lower the chances of men from having penile cancer and from having and spreading HPV virus to women. This virus is one of the causes of cervical cancer in women. It is important that men are circumcised.
D. You should have a healthy and active lifestyle
It is very important that you have the appropriate weight. Daily exercises is important and not only will it make you healthy but it will also prevent different diseases. You should exercise at least 1 hour up to 2 hours a day if you really want to get its full benefit. You really have a number of options when it comes to choosing a kind of exercise.
E. You need to be safe from the sun
So many people love doing other types of activities in the sun, but what most people do not know that extreme exposure to direct sunlight can cause different diseases.
You need to be protected from the sun and you can do this by putting on sunblock, wearing long sleeves or putting on a sun hat. You are lowering the risk of your getting skin cancer when you do this.
F. You should practice safe sex
Practicing safe sex is also good for your health. This will help you get different kinds of diseases.
You can really prevent having cancer when you follow these tips that were mentioned above.