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Reversing Type 2 Diabetes with Exercise Type 2 diabetes are affecting millions of people around the world today. Studies estimate that the number of diabetics may double or triple in the next twenty years. Today, there are a lot of research being conducted in the field of diabetes, yet the best treatment for this ailment is still diet and exercise. The American Heart Association has recommended that individuals who want to stay healthy should at least devote 150 minutes in moderate intensity aerobic exercises. But, when a person is diabetic, it is likely that more exercise is required. If you want to describe what moderate intensity aerobic exercise looks like, it is when you exercise and you are almost breathless and unable to speak comfortably in a full sentence. Some examples of aerobic exercises include jogging, brisk walking, swimming, and cycling. Tennis and badminton can also be included in this category.
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The question is how exercise can reverse Type 2 diabetes and there are a number of ways that are suggested. Blood sugar control and type 2 diabetes can be improved by exercise in the ways shown below.
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The most common underlying mechanism in the development of diabetes is insulin resistance. This happens when the tissues in the body resists insulin action. To provide the cells with energy, glucose absorbed from food is pushed into the cells by a hormone released by the pancreas which is insulin. The cells cannot get the glucose that is required for them to function normally if they are insulin resistant. When a diabetic person does aerobic exercises, his insulin sensitivity will greatly improve as shown by clinical tests. The recommendation was for moderate intensity exercise, but it has also been shown that even exercises of mild intensity have some effect on the blood sugars. Improvement and enhanced sensitivity to insulin can last for 72 hours for those who had a single round of moderate intensity aerobic exercise. if you want to maintain this positive effect, you need to exercise daily. In type2 diabetes, obesity is a common problem. It can become a lot easier to control blood sugar if you can lose a great amount of weight over a period of time. People have been able to reverse their diabetes completely by regularly exercising and losing a great amount of weight. The heart muscles can be strengthened and its efficiency improved by keeping the heart pumping at a fast rate and this can be done through exercise. Good blood pressure control is possible with exercise because cholesterol levels are reduced. Heart disease is prevalent in individuals with diabetes but with good exercise, this can be prevented. Blood glucose levels can be reduced by nearly 20% if individuals perform regular exercise. When combined with improved insulin sensitivity, exercise can most certainly help individuals take complete charge of their blood sugar levels.