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Tips in Potty Training Your Young Children Potty training young children fast is a concern of most parents. Encouragement and a child’s comfort should be balanced when potty training your children. Do not expect to have the same results when potty training your children. It is a reality that if it has worked on your first child, it will not necessarily work on the next one. For other children, potty training is not necessary because they copy what grownups do. When there are older siblings, potty training is sometimes no longer necessary. If your child is stubborn, sometimes you have to beg them to use a potty. There are others who can be trained by rewarding their efforts. Some children do obey using the potty but after a wild temper tantrum, and others take a long time to learn but without any complaint. While using the potty is important, potty training should dwell with helping the child recognize body signals that tell them they should use the potty. There is no designated age when potty training should start. Sensitivity to a child will tell your if the time is already right for potty training. If you start by age 1 then can be using the potty themselves by age 3. Be flexible. Nowadays potty training takes longer because nappies are so convenient to use. This is the one that makes potty training seem unnecessary.
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In potty training your kids, too much pressure on them will not also be a healthy undertaking. Stop the training if it becomes a daily battle. If your child shows signs of interest in potty training, then that will be the right time for a successful potty training. A child entering the bathroom and closing the door is a clear sign of their interest. They might be ready for the training then. Your children’s actions may be telling you something so be sensitive about it.
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Potty training definitely includes the right potty. If you want them to have a smoother learning curve, allow them to sit on the potty even if they will not use it. Children should enjoy using the potty. A potty that does not tip easily is one that is sturdy and stable. Select a potty that is attractive and comfortable for children to sit on. If you get a portable one, then you can bring it when you travel. A potty that is easy to empty and clean will give you a lot of convenience. Potties nowadays come in many interesting and attractive designs. There are singing potties, and potties that change color when a child pees on it. These can be very expensive but they are also very effective in potty training your children.