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Erectile Dysfunction: What You Should Know

Male impotence, or the dysfunction of the penile erection is the male organ’s decreased or total loss of sufficient erection that prevents pleasurable or successful intercourse. This dysfunction begins with either a decline in the incidence of the patient’s typical erection, loss of ability to sustain a long erection, or the achievement of an erection but a quick return to flaccidness.

Men are often afraid to discuss it, but this male organ dysfunction most often affects 25% to 50% of men over the age of 65 and can be both organic and psychogenic in origin. Common psychological causes are fatigue, anxiety, pressure to perform sexually, or depression. Causes that are organic in nature stems from underlying health conditions that directly or indirectly affects the complex mare arousal process. This may include endocrine disease, pituitary tumors, occlusive vascular disease, cirrhosis, testosterone deficiency, hematologic conditions, neurologic disorders, medications, drug abuse, and pelvic or genital traumatic injuries.

Diagnosing problems in penile erection involves the assessment of one’s history medically and sexually, and extensive laboratory tests with neurologic exams. Reviewing medications taken, alcohol use and possible drug abuse are also often required. A psychological test is also arranged in several cases.

The cause of the patient’s organ malfunction will be the basis for its treatment. Nonsurgical approach in treatment includes the use of injectables or oral medications to assist the erection process when desired. In some cases of secondary erectile dysfunction, it is important to treat the underlying condition first, like in the case of alcoholics, or adjusting medications that cause the dysfunction such as the maintenance medications for hypertension. If nonsurgical therapy is not indicated, patients may choose to undergo surgery for an implant. This surgery involves the use of prosthesis which is either rigid or inflatable, to provide the needed erection when patient desires. Prior to deciding which prosthesis to choose, the couple is recommended to undergo counseling, while the man should consider his typical activities daily to help him decide which type will fit his lifestyle.

If surgery is too much or medications have unpleasant side effects, one can opt to go with herbal treatments. Supplements made from ginseng are now popular in the market to treat erectile dysfunction as there have been reports of its effectivity. Acupuncture is also another option to help restore a man’s sexual activity, but as with all other procedures, it should be taken with caution and proper consultation.

The maintenance of health in avoiding disorders could not be stressed more. Changes in lifestyle is always recommended to keep away from the possibility of suffering from this male dysfunction. One can start by not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in regular exercises, and avoiding drugs and excessive alcohol intake. The dysfunction of the male organ is in no way hereditary, so this case, like most disorders, can be easily prevented by a healthier lifestyle.

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