On Treatments: My Rationale Explained
What You Need to Know About Stem Cell Treatment Stem cells have become an essential part of many treatment therapies in the world. The increased usage of stem cells is because they have two distinct characteristics that are very handy in treatments. First of all, they can replicate to create new cells of the same kind. Another characteristic that makes them popular is the fact that they can easily mature into cells that are specialized in treatment of bones, muscles, or even the skin. Stem cells have been hailed as a revolutionary discovery that occurred in the medical field. The cells have been used to cure a wide range of diseases that have for a long time been very difficult to control. The most notable diseases that have been successfully cured using stem cells include diabetes, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases. Apart from these, stem cells have also been used to cure many other diseases. Some of the conditions that whose possibility of cure through stem cells is currently being tested include stroke, blindness, and spinal cord injuries. For over 60 years, stem cells have been used to cure a wide range of diseases successfully. However, until now, the largest success that is attributed to stem cells therapy is bone marrow transplant. This success has made it possible to acquire the cells hence treat a wide range of diseases that affect both children and adults. Although bone marrow transplant is prolonged, painful, and expensive, methods such as extraction of stem cells from the umbilical cord are less expensive when used for treatment.
Looking On The Bright Side of Therapies
The blood cells have been a major success in medicine since they have made it possible to treat diseases that are found in the immune system. As such, doctors have been able to successfully treat thousands of children who are suffering from leukemia. Stem cells have the ability to regenerate hence treat tissues that have been affected by these diseases. This has also enabled treatment of diseases and injuries that affect the bones, skin, and the surface of the eye. Treatment of these diseases is achieved by grafting and implanting the tissues.
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Unlike drugs, stem cells don’t dissolve in the body when used in treatments. It is expected that stem cells might react differently since they will stay in your body forever. It is, therefore, mandatory for doctors to practice extra care when administering this treatment and also monitor the patient’s progress regularly to ensure that no negative reactions occur. Stem cells are normally harvested from different sections of the body, meaning that each cell can’t just be used anywhere else except if it is compatible.